速報APP / 生活品味 / 臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果

臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果



檔案大小:38.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果(圖1)-速報App

Replace your face and change your look in a single second! Get to meet Face Changer Photo Editor free app and make the best photo pranks. Make Cool MontageS and Swap Faces with Funny Effects that will make everybody laugh out loud. Get it now for free and have tons of fun!

Face Changer Photo Editor app features:

Very fun-to-use face swapper app.

臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果(圖2)-速報App

Switches faces in real time.

High quality app graphics.

Put your face in a frame hole.

臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果(圖3)-速報App

Add a text or draw something yourself.

Save your pics art to the photo gallery.

Don't forget to share via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果(圖4)-速報App

Steal someone's face!

Make a joke and use someone else's face to switch with yours. Change your personal look in just a few simple clicks to become somebody else. Not even your mother will recognize you! Just select a face that you want to replace, put on another one and blend it in. You can be a celebrity, your friend, or anyone you wish. Download Face Changer Photo Editor app for free and create hilarious photo montages!

臉換照片編輯器 – 創建真棒蒙太奇同滑稽效果(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad